Te Wharekura o Mauao - WHAKAURUNGA | Enrolment



Ka whakauru mai te tauira ki Te Wharekura o Mauao mā te reo Māori. 

Nō reira, mehemea kua kuraina ki tētahi kura ā iwi, kura kaupapa Māori, rūmaki Māori rānei e te tauira, ka tono tōtika i te pepa whakauru, ā, ka whakaritea he Uiui i te Tumuaki e ngā kaimahi o te Tari. 

Kei te Wharekura he karaehe paku mō ngā tauira e ako tonu ana i te reo Māori, ko 'Whakatipu Reo'.

Mehemea kua kuraina ki tētahi kura aunoa e te tauira, ā, kāore e taea e ia ki te kōrero Māori, ki te ako mā te reo Māori, me tono mai ki te rārangi tatari 'Whakatipu Reo. 

Kei te wā he tūranga wātea ki tērā karaehe, ka whakapā atu ngā kaimahi ki a koe ki te whakarite he Uiui i te Tumuaki. 

Heoi anō, ko te wero kē, me karapoti te whānau ki taua tamaiti hei tautoko mārika i tōna rūmaki ki tēnei kura reo Māori, hei tere whakatipu tōna reo. 

Students gain entry to Te Wharekura o Mauao via their fluency in the Māori language. 

Therefore, students who have been educated at Māori medium schools or immersion units within mainstream schools, can apply directly and our administration team will then organise an enrolment interview with the Principal. 

TWOM has a small class for students who are still learning to speak Māori, which is a transition programme called 'Whakatipu Reo'. 

If the student has attended English medium or mainstream schooling, and cannot speak Māori or learn their subjects in the Māori language, they can apply to be placed on the waiting list for Whakatipu Reo. 

When a place becomes vacant in that class, our staff will contact you to schedule an enrolment interview with the Principal.

It's important to realise that enrolling into our transition progamme Whakatipu Reo is a big challenge for students, which is only successful if they have significant whānau support to learn and speak Māori in an intense learning environment.

Tena koa pana i te patene kia whakakiingia te pepa whakauru, whakapumautia, katahi ka īmera mai ki admin@mauao.school.nz

​Please click the button to fill in the enrolment form, save and email to us at admin@mauao.school.nz