Te Wharekura o Mauao - TE KURA | Our School



Tauranga Moanatanga is a world-view, a unique way of being and living handed down by our ancestors

This world-view encompasses our customs, our language and our history as a unique people. It is our cultural legacy. Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi, and Ngāti Pūkenga are recognised as Mana Whenua.

The essence of Tauranga Moana identity is its diversity of iwi. This is as strong today as it has been historically. We believe our kura must serve our marae, our hapū and our iwi in all roles. Tauira are prepared to eventually take on the role of ‘kaitiaki’ of their own marae as successors of our cultural legacy,​​​​​​​

'Tauranga Moana, Tauranga Tangata’.​



Kia mārama taku titiro ki Tauranga, e ko Ranginui, ko Te Rangihouhiri, ko Pūkenga.
Ngā Pāpaka o Rangataua, he paruparu te kai, he taniwha ngā tangata.
Piki ake au i te Ahikoura, noho ana ki Taumata, ki te Rī o Tamarāwaho.
Pāpaku te moana i te nui o āna kupu.
Tihei mauriora.
Tērā ko ngā purapura whetū kua ngaro atu n​ei, ānō he auahituroa e haehae i te rangi.
Ko tātou te hunga ora e hotuhotu nei, ka noho hei urupā mō te hunga kua riro tītapu.
Tū tonu te Kīngi Māori hei pou herenga waka herenga tāngata.
Tū tonu te Kīngitanga hei korowai manaaki i te iwi Māori.
Tū tonu te Whare Kahui Ariki, rire, rire, hau. Pai marire.
Tēnā koutou kei ngā whānau, koutou e whakapono ana ki te mātauranga Māori.
Ko tāku e whakataki nei i tēnei wahanga o te whārangi, he whāriki i te kupu kia tōia mai te
hiahia ana ki te whai i tēnei ara mātauranga.
Ko tāku noaiho ki a koutou, ahakoa he kura pāpaku, ka taea.
Ahakoa he kura kōrero Māori, ka taea.
He kura ā-iwi kua tāraia ki te taera e hiahiatia ana e ngā tamariki, e ngā whānau, ka taea tonutia!
Tuia ngā mana,
Tuia ngā ihi,
Tuia ko te mātauranga Māori ki te hiringa i te mahara.


Ko te whakakitenga kia whakarite i ngā rangatahi kia tū hei manukura mō ngā tau e heke mai nei. Ka āwhina i a rātou kia tū rangatira i te ao.

Our vision is to prepare rangatahi to be our future leaders. We arm them with the values and knowledge they need to be successful in all aspects of their lives.

Kia tū rangatira au i te ao

The Wharekura vision is that our tauira will be creators of their own ‘world’ based on self-determination.The idea is that there will no longer be a need to distinguish one world from another, as they themselves are strong, proud, independent, confident and contributing citizens to their people and to the world.


Ka whakapono ngā kaiako o Te Wharekura o Mauao ki ngā mātāpono e rua nei, Te Reo Māori me te kounga o te whakaako kia tae rā anō ngā tauira ki te tihi o angitu. He kairangi tonu te wāhi ki te tohu mātauranga, mātua ko ngā rarauga ā motu mō ngā tauira Māori o te motu, kei tawhiti tonu ngā raraunga a Te Wharekura o Mauao.

Te Wharekura o Mauao teachers are committed to Te Reo Māori and are passionate about ensuring our tauira receive the highest standard of education. Our academic performance is strong and tracks higher than the national average for Māori students across Aotearoa.

He anga marautanga whakawhanake te aronga ki Te Wharekura o Mauao, ko te auaha, ko te mahi kia pārekareka tōna hanga. He ahurea haumaru te whakaaro nui kia toro atu ki te ngākau tauira kia whai i te mātauranga mana motuhake me te hiahia nui kia angitu.

Te Wharekura o Mauao has a progressive education framework, with programmes that are innovative, engaging and creative. We offer a nurturing learning environment that encourages independent thinking and aspiration to succeed.​​​​​​​

He whānau kotahi te kura nei, mai ngā tauira ki ngā kaiako, e mohio ana rātou he hononga tā rātou ki a rātou anō, ka whakatairanga i ngā hononga ā iwi, kia ea ai te Mana Moanatanga o Tauranga, kia ea ai hoki ngā tikanga tuku iho a rātou mā.

All our tauira are contributing members of our school whānau and we foster collaborative relationships with whānau, hapū, iwi and hāpori whānui. This ensures we enhance the sustainability of Tauranga Moana Reo and enrich our rangatahi with traditional practices and values.