The Purpose of Ngā Kura ā Iwi is Wellbeing of Uri: The core purpose of Ngā Kura ā Iwi (NKAI) is totally focused on the wellbeing of our Uri (Students), and the flow on effects to our families and communities for generations. Whānau, iwi and community engagement is achieved when the educational pathway for their children is designed by them, for them, their way. Kura ā Iwi across Aotearoa are focused on the wellbeing of their Uri are all over Aotearoa and the numbers are increasing. NKAI’s role is to ensure that these Kura and communities do not work in isolation, but are part of a network of like minded communities where;
When iwi develop strategies regarding the education of their children, they are focused on the cultural, social, educational, economic and personal wellbeing of their Uri. The vision of NKAI is to ensure that all Uri achieve Mana Motuhake and are empowered with the skills, understandings and wellbeing to be able to determine a positive future reality.
He uri whai mana motuhake
Mō tātou, Mā tātou, E ai ki a tātou.
Address: 1 Westmorland Rise, Bethlehem, Tauranga 3110
Postal: PO Box 16205, Bethlehem, Tauranga 3110