WHATUMANAWA | Passion Learning
Kaupapa Whatumanawa - passion project hubs - is the method by which Te Wharekura o Mauao offers a wide range of subjects despite being a small wharekura. Within these projects, tauira can study hākinakina, ngā toi ataata, ngā toi Māori, pūoro, ngā mahi ā rēhia, whakaari, kanikani, hītori, tiaki taiao, hauora, te ao pāpāho, tikanga ā iwi, hangarau matihiko, hangarau, ngā pūtaiao. For the Kura pakeke, there are only three full school terms in which we can offer a full teaching programme - Terms 1, 2, 3. Term 4 is usually only three weeks of classes, before they break for study leave and NCEA external examinations begin. Therefore at Te Wharekura o Mauao we offer three rotations/semesters of Kaupapa Whatumanawa, between 9-12 weeks in dureation. This gives students the opportunity to try different Whatumana throughout the year as they seek to understand their individual passion and purpose.
I te wā kua whakauru ki te Wharekura, ka uiui te tauira ki ngā kaiako kia whai mohiotanga ki tā te tauira e kohara ana. Nā te uiui tahi ki ngā kaiako, ka hua mai ko tētahi huarahi ako (ILP) hei whakakī i te kete mātauranga o te tauira i ōna wā i tēnei Kura. Mō ngā tauira mai te tau 11 ki te tau 13, ko tāu e hiahia i roto i te Whatumanawa, ka hāngai pū ki tōu i tuhia ki tō Huarahi ako, kia ahei te tauira te uru atu ki tāna e tino ingo ana. Ka hāngai nga kaupapa whatumanawa ki ngā marau huhua, arā ki Ngā Toi, Hākinakina, nga Pūtaiao, te hangarau, Toi Whakaari, Tikanga ā Iwi, Toi Pūoro me te Hauora. Ka noho pū ngā kaiako ki ngā whatumanawa kua here tā rātou hiahia, ngā pukenga, ano hoki tā rātou tohu mātauranga.
On enrolling with the Wharekura, each tauira is interviewed by a teacher to ascertain his or her goals and aspirations. This forms an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) which outlines a curriculum pathway for the student to achieve during his or her time at Te Wharekura. For students in Years 11 to 13, the ILP helps indicate which Whatumanawa (Passion Learning Hub) best aligns with their aspirations. Whatumanawa options comprise of the sciences, arts, performing arts, history/social sciences, business, health/well-being, physical education and outdoor education/environment. Each Whatumanawa is expected to support all core curricular areas and provide meaningful contexts to learn, through a broad base of practical and experiential learning. Teachers are aligned to a Whatumanawa based on their specialist knowledge, qualifications and interests.
Allowing students to follow their passion and instill the excitement of learning something that deeply resonates with them
Combating a lack of engagement, absenteeism and improving retention until Year 13
For students to take more responsibility for their own learning by focusing on developing competencies and skills they’ll need in 21st century workplaces and society
For students to be resilient, resourceful and show initiative
Ka aro ngā whakaakoranga ki ngā akoranga a tinana, ngā mahi Taiao me te hangarau.
Learning focuses on physical activity, environmental sustainability and hangarau (technology).
Ka aro ngā whakaakoranga ki ōu hiahia ki ngā tūmomo āhuatanga pēnei i te hoahoatanga, hangatanga, ki roto i ngā tini hāngarau.
Learning will focus on the opportunity for students to design, create and innovate through a range of technology mediums.
He āheinga mā ngā tauira Tau 12 - 13 kia kuhukuhu atu ki ngā mahi e hāngai ana ki te rapuara, pēnei i te mahi me te mahi rehe.
During Tau 12 to 13, tauira have the opportunity to spend a day or two a week engaged in work experience and/or registered trades programme.
Address: 1 Westmorland Rise, Bethlehem, Tauranga 3110
Postal: PO Box 16205, Bethlehem, Tauranga 3110